Monday, January 15, 2018

wabi sabi

We used to gather 'round every Friday night at Garts parking lot. That's where all the cool kids met, don't you know. That's where the hook-ups went down. 

I lived right around the corner, so it was not uncommon for me to show-up wrapped in a blanket and park my ass in the back of a pick-up. Other times, my attendance would merely be to meet someone and leave.

An older guy came around a few times. He seemed out of place -- probably looking for jailbait. He and I struck up a conversation but he didn't like what I had to say: "You really need to get your teeth fixed. That lisp is annoying."

I was taken aback. Had I a lisp?! How long has this been going on for?! And why has no one told me! 5 years of speech therapy wasted.. My parents would be so disappointed.

"Oh well.. yeah, you have a lisp." One of the guys within my age group comforted, "But it's really cute and part of what makes you unique. You don't need to do anything about your teeth." 

It was a nice sentiment but didn't change the fact of my newly discovered flaw. I never truly sought perfection, but I did want to be an effective communicator. Regardless, I was determined to rid myself of this small embarrassment of my speaking skills! 

Just the other day, I passed the lot where Garts existed however many years ago. I remember when they tore up the very spot we all gathered, to make room fir a new office building. Hollywood Video and Graywhale CD were long gone at that point, too. I don't expect any of you to remember the time I won that Formula One trickboard from Graywhale, broadcasted live on the local college station -- Thunder 91 back then. I traded that trickboard in for a Sector 9 longboard -- was never any good on the half pipe, but loved surfing the pavement. The icons of my yester-youth have all but vanished, completely living in memory now. 

I never heard anything about me having a lisp since -- unprovoked, that is. If I ask, they stop, listen, and find it. I have since stopped asking. Who wants to go around asking for proof they are flawed? I'm no Clark Kent! I'm the alter ego daydreaming about what a life as a super hero would be.

I post random, meaningless thoughts on craigslist every night. What's your super power?

These days, I am more often asked about my 'accent.' 

"Where are you from?" they question."That's an interesting accent."

"I'm from here. I just have a different way of speaking due to my speech impediment." It is true. I consciously change my sentence structure to avoid words I cannot pronounce. I never did do anything with my teeth. The sweet friend at Garts parking lot was right -- it's better this way. 

Wabi sabi: the beauty of imperfection.